Saturday, 25 July 2009

Day 8 Epinal to Freiburg

Lots of miles again today, 105 all told with a 4 mile and a 12 mile continuous climb thrown in. We climbed right up to a ski village in Alsace! The views on the way down were quite amazing, I struggled to keep an eye on the road though I hit 40 miles an hour and the tandem must've been going much faster. We had lunch in a village filled with storks, there were 7 nests in sight and the air was full of these rather graceless birds. We were so out of it we only noticed halfway through lunch, then saw that we were eating at the stork hotel bar on stork road to it's hardly a well kept secret. We met Sean (my brother) in Freiburg, he is joining us through Germany. My knees are totally shot now so am having a rest day tomorrow while he rides my bike. He can't really do the kind of distances we are doing on a crappy hire bike so maybe we'll alternate days for a while. So tomorrow holds a lie in and gentle potter around the town for me.



  1. Phew, I feel tired just reading this. Keep going and keep blogging - your adventures are brightening up a typical wet summer weekend in Cheltenham

  2. Dear Kirsty! Thank you for your lovely letter! So I can follow now your interesting cycletrip!It´s such a pleasure to read it - it´s so exciting and I feel a bit so, if I would be part of it!!! I really admire you! Hope your leg is now better (= good again!)and you have had a nice time with Stefan.
    Good luck and hug from Kerstin
