Thursday, 30 July 2009

Day 12 Ingolstadt to Straubing - 70 miles

By far the easiest day of the tour so far, a sensible distance and an early (ish) start meant we had done 60 miles by a late lunch break and cruised into Straubing after a quick nap in the park. It was a very quick nap, as soon as we had put our washing out and fallen asleep the whole Giselhoring parks department descended to tidy the place up. They were very sweet about moving us on, when they realised how bad our German is they did hat tricks by means of apology. They all crowded round dad to shout encouragement as he tried to fix my bike - he probably found this less funny than me, it was swelteringly hot.

It was a pleasant day rather than spectacular one, rolling hills, gothic Bavarian villages and occasional views over the Danube valley. Not that we minded that at all, so far the spectacular days have all involved serious climbing which we are all enjoying a break from. This is what bike tours should be like, we got into town at 5, met Sean (who also got there easilly hitchhiking) and had a nice evening pottering around Straubing. It felt a bit more like a holiday.

Nancy is back down off Kilimanjaro safely, we look forward to celebrating with her when we get home.


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