Friday, 14 August 2009

Day 28 Friday - Turno Magurele to Giurgiu - 76 Miles

More like a holiday today! We left the hotel before 6am to beat the exhausting heat. More villages along the Danube but some with grandiose houses. Pastures filled with horses, geese, goats and sheep looked like a scen from the TV adaptation of Tess of the D'Urbavilles. We arrived in Giurgiu at 1pm already starting to wobble from the heat. Had a great meal and we have booked into a classy hotel. Things are looking up!

It has taken me a few days to get used to Romania. The early days seemed a bit scary and almosy ghoulish. Now we are focussed more on the warmth, liveliness and friendliness. Even the stray dogs seem like kindred spirits - forever wandering down long roads.



  1. Hi All,
    What an adventure! Well done for keeping your composure I would have been long gone by now and on a plane back home. I am so impressed by your resilience and dogged determination(sorry to mention dogs again)I've been telling friends of your ongoing adventure and now get phone calls to ask your progress. It really is impressive. Take Care and stay safe Heidi & Co x x

  2. OMG! I can't believe what you poor guys are putting yourselves through! If you can get through this you will be able to get through anything that life throws at you; you are all AMAZING - GO TEAM ROBERTS!!! Luv Deb & Coxxxxxxx
